Balance your Portfolio
Balance Your Portfolio template that helps you track your investments and drive higher profit!
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Template Description
ETF and Stock Rebalancer
On your journey to financial independence, it's crucial for your portfolio to be aligned according to your plans for the future. This template will make sure your investment portfolio is balanced the way you need it to, making sure you're on track to achieve your financial goals.
The accounts that are used to hold the different items in your portfolio. This breakdown will help filter and sort the items held in your portfolio database.
- Name
- Type
- Portfolio Investments (Relation)

Asset Classes
An asset class is a group of investments that have similar characteristics and are subject to the same laws and regulations (Source). It's important to have a balance between them that fits the risk you are willing to take as well as your time to retirement.
A target, in the form of a percentage, should be set for each of the asset classes.
The asset classes considered in this database are:
- Canadian Equity
- Fixed Income
- U.S. Equity
- International Equity
- Emerging Markets
- Cryptocurrency

The main database in this template. This is a list of every asset in your portfolio, and it should be the database you interact with and update the most.
Every item in the portfolio should correspond to at least one asset β although they often fit multiple (e.g. ETFs). It is very important you specify the distribution across all asset classes available such that the sum is 100%.
- Name
- Ticker
- Market Value
- % Fixed Income
- % Canadian Equity
- % US Equity
- International Equity
- Emerging Markets
- Cryptocurrency
- Account (Relation)
- Status: π’ or π΄ when the asset allocation percentages do not add up to 100%.
- Assets Classes: Every entry in this database must contain all asset classes available in order for it to be included in the balancing calculations. To help with this, there is a "New Entry" template that can be used to create new items, which contains all relations it needs. Moreover, because a filter selecting all asset classes has been set, they will be added to any new row that is added.

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