The Ultimate Notion Automations Hub
Pre-built automations to supercharge your Notion setup. All you need to automate your Notion workspace.
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Template Description
Save time and become a Notion automation pro.
This Notion hub is made out of 100+ pre-built automations for the common workflows and use cases.
It includes automations, learning resources, creators, and databases that leverage Notion API.
Why did we create this template?
Most people will spend more time automating stuff than they will ever claim back from those automations.
Building automations is relatively straightforward and requires some skill, but figuring out WHAT to automate is the hardest part.
Weβve built this resource with the Notion community to leverage pre-built automation for the most common workflows on work and life, and start automating in just a few clicks.
Letβs take your Notion to the next level together. π
What's inside the template?
The Notion Automations Hub is made out of:
- β Featured Automations for your use-case at work or life
- ποΈ The biggest automations catalog out there
- π Database templates
- π Learning resources
- π₯ Creator library
This resource unlocks use cases for Notion that previously required dedicated apps and expensive subscriptions.
How to use the template?
Check the Youtube Tutorial to headstart your journey inside the template!
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