University Class Management
A free study template designed for university students, supplemented with a YouTube video to show how to use this -
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Template Description
An all-in-one template that every University student can make use of to manage their Study life.

Brain Dump - To store all of your thoughts and scribbles!
This template features Brain Dump section that is often cited as one of planning people's most favorite section. Jot down all of your thoughts or quick calculations or notes in this section and forget about disrupting the serene aesthetic of your template

Exam/Assignment scheduler <3
A university has to have exams and students ought to appear in them to pass on to the next grade. But sometimes the assignments and handouts of history and psychology may clash along with that Geo exam and make your brain explode ! No fear - this inbuilt scheduler makes sure that all of your exams are scheduled and you don't have to worry about missing any of it!

Course distinguisher

Each course is further listed out into weeks
Classifying your exams and assignments is one thing, but making sure that all your grades are tracked and attendance is on-point is crucial to A+ performance.

Weekly Time-Table
Yes, any scheduler is incomplete without a proper time-table. Here you are provided with a weekly time table to make sure that all of your week ahead is free of any confusions

Monthly due-dates
Finally, monthly due dates keep you ahead of all your monthly liabilities by giving you a birds-eye view of the entire month, in a neat and compact calender form !
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