Benjamin Franklin's 13 virtues JOURNAL
"A bold and arduous project of arriving at moral perfection", as he said. A checkbox and a journal to help you each day
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Template Description
"A bold and arduous project of arriving at moral perfection" is how America's least controversial and most industrious statesman described his method of personal betterment in his autobiography.
Why did I create this Template?
A long time ago I read about the way Benjamin Franklin used this "framework" to improve as a human being and I tried to combine it with some other visions of other resources I read about journaling and writing down all the things one does to review it and analyze it later (Especially in the classic stoic writings like Marcus Aurelius or Seneca, they're talking about the benefits of this). This was extremely useful for me the last few months and I wanted to share it with everybody.
What's inside the template?
The template is in fact very easy to use. There's a checkbox in which you can track down your progress per week with Franklin's 13 virtues, and a database with the journal itself.
There is a checkbox with two personalized views so you can keep track of your weekly improvement.
How to use the template?
There are different views in the checkbox to be checkbox-focused or description-focused (descriptions for each virtue). And then, in the journal, there are different templates inside each page to be daily, weekly or monthly revisions.
What are the benefits of the template?
I think keeping track of the progress and evolution of your self-being is really important. Makes you keep awake and constantly trying to be a better person. The ancient stoic art of journaling saved my life!!
This template will help you keep track of your improvement in all 13 virtues described by Benjamin Franklin as his path to personal perfection.
Also, a journal for you to make revisions each day/week/month (templates for each one) and keep track of your productivity as well as your improvement in all thirteen virtues.
Stay focused and be your best possible self on your path to a more virtuous life.
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