Revenue Tracker
The PERFECT template for creatives starting up with Online Sellings. Keep track of the revenues of your digital product
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Template Description
Why did I create this template?
I created this template as soon as I decided to become a creator, and sell my Notions products. I wanted to keep a weekly track of the revenues from my digital products, improving my analysis skills. Creating is a refinement work, and having a precise picture of the situation is crucial to improve your skills. I also wanted to stay motivated by trying to reach a goal.
What's inside the template?
A fully customizable Revenue Tracker template made of TWO databases.
- The main database is made for keeping track of the weekly revenues.
- The "wrap up" database's purpose is to give you a quick overview of the situation at a first glance, both monthly and yearly.
How to use the template?
Just fill up the "Target revenue" column, week by week at the beginning of every month. Then, put the Revenues in the "Revenue product" column. This will generate an output in a formula column, wether you weren't able to reach your goal or to outperform. The "wrap up" database will be automatically filled. There, you can see a monthly review of your performance and a general view with an exciting progress bar to tell you where you are. Let's just set your goal for the year and... let's start seeing your progress!
What are the benefits of the template?
- Have the situation of your revenues always under control
- Start to analyze you selling datas, improve your analytical skills
- Duplicate the page and create a full database of your digital products
- Stay motivated by tracking your progress weekly
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