The P.A.R.A Method Planner
P.A.R.A. = Projects — Areas — Resources — Archives. Four categories for every type of info you might encounter.
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Template Description
Why did I create this template?
This dashboard and the associated databases was created after reading about the P.A.R.A. method of organisation. I've tried all kinds of tracking methods and to-do lists and have found this to be the easiest, and most effective, way of keeping track of everything that’s going on in my work and home life.
What's inside the template?
The template contains four databases. Each one is for one aspect of the P.A.R.A method. These are: Projects, Areas, Resources and Archive.
How to use the template?
The template contains a link to the original article that inspired this template.
The Projects database is for entering to-do items that have a specific due date. The template includes calculations to show items due today and any that are overdue.
The Areas database is for entering the specific areas of your work/home life that projects are related to.
The Resource database is where you can store any information that you'd like to refer back to. This could be links to articles, websites and other materials that are of interest to you.
The Archive database is for moving items into when they're no longer needed.
I have added an additional section for Praise. This is where you can store any good vibes that sustain you when you're going through difficult times and need to be reminded of how amazing you are.
What are the benefits of the template?
Provides the ability to organise what's going on in a way that is easy to manage and maintain.
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