Rahul ParagiallpaidfreeCopy LinkhabitshabitsproductivityproductivityDaily IntentionDaily Intention template is a powerful tool for anyone looking to set ...By Rahul ParagiFree habitshabitstrackertrackerBasic Habit TrackerAre you tired of trying to build healthy habits and failing? This Basi...By Rahul Paragi$3 productivityproductivityknowledgeknowledgeSimple Second BrainIf you're tired of feeling overwhelmed and disorganized, it's time to ...By Rahul Paragi$9 projectsprojectstaskstasksProject Progress TrackerIf you're tired of feeling stuck and unable to make progress toward yo...By Rahul Paragi$2 journaljournaljournalingjournalingDaily Bullet JournalIf you're looking for a way to stay organized, focused, and on top of ...By Rahul Paragi$9 goalsgoalslifelifeMain Goal TrackerAre you tired of setting goals and not achieving them? It's time to tr...By Rahul Paragi$7